lördag 21 april 2012

tv room night

Have a nice saturday night everyone!

I just had a great pw with our daughter, now I will stay lazy all night long to recover my aching back...

See U! ♥


4 kommentarer:

Paula sa...

Oh you have a beautiful home and blog! If anyone was going to make me feel inspired to Power Walk and eat elegant looking crackers it would be you! Glad to have found you, now going to have a look at more of your amazing style!

Vintage Market Place sa...

Enjoy your evening relaxing in the tv room

Vida sa...

efter en sån rejäl promis gör du alldeles rätt i att lägga upp fötterna på soffbordet;))

vackra glasburkar;))

Zickimicki sa...

your home is beautiful!
greetings from germany


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