tisdag 8 januari 2013

on wheels.

In the kitchen I have a large cuttingboard which I have put small weels on, now it's much more practical to move around...
enjoy - this - nice - tuesday - sweet - ones

10 kommentarer:

Natalie @ Blossoming Visions sa...

Lovely photos. I am your newest follower on Instagram :-)

vitahusetochelvis sa...

Fint :)

Önskar dig med en härlig dag!


evalevabo sa...

Vackert porslin.
Kram Eva

Anonym sa...

Känns konstigt att du börjat skriva in English...

me and alice sa...

Hej anonym!
Skriva på engelska det har jag nästan alltid gjort, men ibland glömmer jag bort att skriva på svenska och då blir det bara engelska av bara farten.

Ha en fin dag!

Kram Susanne

michele sa...

why is everything so much cuter when it has wheels? i love this, susanne! you are so clever and endlessly talented.

smiles to you.


Brenda Pruitt sa...

Phenomenal idea!

l o v e l y t h i n g s sa...

brilliant! Why has no one ever thought to do this before?

Anonym sa...

Funny, I have never really noticed that you write in both English and Swedish! Maybe because I am Swedish but live in Texas so I kind of always live with both languages....or maybe I just don't pay attention :)
Anyway - love your blog, all the pictures are just fantastic!!!

Anonym sa...

Inspirerande bildrepotage,
Kommer att kika in här ofta,,
Tack för tipset om Din sida.
Agneta Långshyttan


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