
fredag 6 maj 2011

On my way...

Our Bralliz at my desk.

I just finished my favorite breakfast, turkish yogurt and raspberries, and now I'm on my way to the gym. I'm going to struggle with the fitness machines for an hour, atleast...

 Took a photo of our sweatheart, Alice this morning, just before she went to school. Our other little sweatheart Anton, will go with me in the car to school...

See you later alligator!


3 kommentarer:

  1. Hugs to you and your familly! The photo just looks like from the cover of a magazine :)
    ...and I have to say, that I admire your floor :)) Looks so warm and nice mmm...:))

  2. Vad fin hon är er Alice.
    Brukar titta in till hennes blogg också.
    Mette <3

  3. Alice is beautiful beautiful! I miss my Holly's platinum blonde hair. She's always changing it up. Your home is so beautiful too. Your blog is one of my favorites!!!


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kraam Susanne