
lördag 30 april 2011

Have a seat...

Welcome ta have a seat, if you are a little one!

Love these two American children chairs. I don't think we will sit so much on them, and they are far to small for our children, but they could be perfect for books or magazines.

Or maybe you can help me, I'm sure you have some great ideas for what we can use them for?
Please tell me your ideas!

Have a great start of this last day in April!


9 kommentarer:

  1. Those chairs are really cool, I wish I could find some large ones like that for my kitchen table.

    They would be great to display folded vintage linens or a plant.

    If they were spread out a little bit I've seen people hang banners between similar chairs. I use a vintage chair to store stacked towels in my bathroom. I'm kinda crazy about chairs and enjoyed seeing these ones!

  2. I växthuset med vackra växter på tycker jag att dessa stolar skulle passa perfect =)

    Ha en bra valborg

    kramar @nette

  3. Oj vad söta! Jag hade nog som du haft några tidningar på dom.
    Trevlig Valborg

  4. Men vilka charmiga gamla stolar! Sååå snyggt! Skulle använda de som bokhyllor eller blombord!

  5. I would use them instead of night-stands. Next to someone´s bed with a lovely lamp on it. But I have to confess that although I love the shabby chic one of these chairs is a bit too rusty for me! I would try to get rid off it a bit.
    Have a lovely sunny day!

  6. Snygga!
    Jag diggar rostiga grejer och tröttnart du på dom vet du en som gärna vill ha dom. :)

    Söta som blompallar tycker jag.

  7. just wonderful!!!! love those seats and your blog too!!!!
    have a sweet sunny weekend!!!!

  8. hang them on a wall on their sides, with their backs facing each other... just spaced far enough apart... use some wooden boards long enough, laying those across the seat and on the rungs between their legs, maybe even across top of the backs... insta unique shelve for a wall thats yet empty...

  9. I would LOVE those as side tables by my bed in the master suite! They'd be PERFECT! Maybe a guest room?? Marissa


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