
fredag 28 januari 2011



Just by taking down a little bit of the wall between the hallway and the kitchen we got a more airy feeling in the house!

I already love it even if it's far away from ready. At first I wanted to keep the wodden wall unpainted, but we have decided to paint it after all...

Now it's time for a nice walk before the sun goes down again...

keep - on - blogging - dear - ones


19 kommentarer:

  1. It does look great already. Can't wait to see the finished room. I visit your blog every day. Just LOVE it. It is so beautiful:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Men Susanne, ska det här bli nya trenden? I så fall hakar jag på direkt. Vi har lite halvrenoverat i nästan alla rum.

    Jag hoppas att ni får ordning i köket snart och det kommer säkert bli toppen fint! Kram Stina

  3. It looks great and bright. I am sending you a little Florida sunshine with this response.

  4. So refreshing, the painted wood will be beautiful!!

  5. Hej!!

    Kommer att bli sååååå snyggt!! Läcker vy rakt in i ert fina kök.

    Trevlig helg! Monica

  6. B:E:A:U:T:I:F:U:L:!!!!
    I just came in from a long lovely walk with our dog. The sky is clear blue, it´s ice cold and the sun is shining. What else can make the day nicer?
    Have a lovely day, too!

  7. Fina bilder som vanligt! :) Det ser redan så fint ut så jag tycker inte att ni behöver göra så mycket mer ;)

    Önskar Er en fin helg! Ina

  8. Hello Susanne,
    Hope you are feeling better! Love the wood on the wall and can't wait to see how you decorate and redo everything.
    Warm thoughts are coming your way from sunny Arizona!

  9. HA I was thinking when I saw the photo that I would leave it like that!!
    Can't wait to see more!

  10. You know, I kind of like it the way it is. Weird, I know. =)


    barbara jean

  11. Oh it is looking good...can hardly wait to see it finished!! Enjoy your walk!

  12. If I had beautiful wall like that under my drywall, I would be tearing it down soooo fast. Lucky YOu. They are beautiful. I'd paint them white too.

  13. Det ser redan fint ut, trots att ni inte är klara, - så härligt luftigt det blir!
    Önskar en trevlig helg!

  14. Ser ju bra ut så där också tycker jag?! Men det kommer bli snyggt "your way" också! Himla fin stol också!
    Trevlig helg!!

  15. Tror det kommer bli jättebra. Tror ni gör rätt i att måla det vitt. Ser fram emot att se resultatet! Mvh Anna

  16. I wondered if you'd leave it like that when I saw the picture. It will be lovely painted.

    Lisa x

  17. i love the way the wall looks but i know painted will be better... cannot wait to see... xx


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kraam Susanne