
söndag 26 december 2010


Two of many elephants in our home...

I have loved elephants all my life!
When I was a little girl my dream was to take care of elephants and help them. Now it didn't turn out that way, but I still like them alot, and when we were in Sri Lanka we visited a farm were they help old elephants...

The brown beauty I have had since I was a little girl.
The white one we bought from a man on Sri Lanka who made and sold them on the street in a little village. He must have thought we were a bit crazy when we asked him if we could buy the one that wasn't all carved yet...

have - lovely - day - from - the - elephant - lover - suss

6 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my! I ADORE your blog. I'm spending a lazy Sunday just surfing around the net and I saw your post on Elephants. I have always loved elephants so I had to check out your blog. This has to be one of the most beautiful blogs that I've seen. Just breathtaking!
    I'm so glad I stumbled across it. I am your newest Follower!
    :) - Cindi

  2. My husband loves elephants, too! We have a large collection of many different materials. They are from all over the world, mostly handmade. Here is one I made for him from needle felted wool. Happy Holidays!

  3. Dear Susanne,
    I like your elephants! Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Since I have been following your blog I enjoy your pictures. Thanks for the great photos and ideas. I'm looking forward to the next post

  4. Hi Suss. I love elephants too! I have some in my home.
    Really like the uncarved one, how neat! :)
    Anna S

  5. Hej! Kikar in och önskar er en god fortsättning!
    Hoppas ni haft en mysig jul!
    Kram /Anna

  6. Har just suttit och gonat mig med senaste Lantliv och jag måste bara få säga att dina o Magdalenas båda reportage är underbara! Så härligt inspirerande och helt i min smak. Vill se mer av sånt!

    Kramar, Carina


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kraam Susanne